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Stellar-MADE project

We plan to work on 3 main axes during the Winter Meeting:

winter meeting 2025 poster by Romain Grane

Each participant will preferentially work on one or several items with a subgroup of participants. At the end, we will establish a plan to keep working together after the meeting, share results efficiently, and co-write the corresponding scientific articles.

Program with indicative times:

List of participants for the kick-off meeting:

  1. Nicolás Cuello (IPAG, Grenoble)
  2. François Ménard (IPAG, Grenoble)
  3. Gaspard Duchêne (IPAG, Grenoble)
  4. Cathie Clarke (IoA, Cambridge)
  5. Álvaro Ribas (IoA, Cambridge)
  6. Rebecca Nealon (U. Warwick)
  7. Cristiano Longarini (IoA, Cambridge)
  8. Martina Toscani (U. Bicocca, Milano)
  9. Francesco Zagaria (Heidelberg)
  10. Miguel Vioque (ESO, Garching)
  11. Claudia Toci (ESO, Garching)
  12. Andrew Winter (Heidelberg)
  13. Eleonora Bianchi (Arcetri, Firenze)
  14. Jean-François Gonzalez (CRAL, Lyon)
  15. Matías Montesinos (USM, Santiago)
  16. Emmanuel Gianuzzi (OAC, Córdoba)
  17. Antoine Alaguero (IPAG, Grenoble)
  18. Pedro Poblete (IPAG, Grenoble)
  19. Mario Sucerquia (IPAG, Grenoble)
  20. Romain Grane (IPAG, Grenoble)
  21. Elisa Castro (IPAG, Grenoble)
  22. Thimotée David-Cleris (IPAG, Grenoble)

Drivers, departure times and meeting points:

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