“Stellar flybys can shape planet-forming discs!” A review of the literature in the past 30 years shows how tidal perturbations affect planet formation.

Did you know that over 50% of stars with planet-forming discs experience close encounters or flybys within 1000 au? Learn more about the dynamical effects of these flybys on planet-forming discs.

Prograde, parabolic, and disc-penetrating flybys are the most destructive. Grazing and penetrating flybys can capture disc material to form a misaligned circumsecondary disc. Retrograde flybys can cause warps and broken discs.

Discover the recently observed stellar systems with discs where flybys or encounters are suspected! UX Tau, RW Aur, AS 205, Z CMa, and FU Ori may have been affected by stellar flybys.

Stellar flybys have implications for planet formation and exoplanet demographics! Possible imprints can be found in the Solar System’s trans-Neptunian object orbits and the Sun’s obliquity.

For more information: Check the article Cuello, Ménard & Price (2023) Paper available here via the Astrophysics Data System